2x2x2 Cube Cyclone Boys FeiChang

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Cyclone Boys FeiChang

— is one of those great models of 2x2 Cube, which was left without proper attention of the world community. And the reason is next — mixed-coloured plastic, which was forbidden at official WCA competitions until July 2015.

Cyclone Boys FeiChang has an excellent design, very smoothly rotates, so will provide maximum control over speed. Can cut a fairly large corner 35-40°, however during speed solving you are unlikely to have to cut more than 30°.

Quality — above all praise: all the elements are cast without any humps, plastic smoothly polished, on one of the corners you can see the original Cyclone Boys brand logo. It is noteworthy that configure the puzzle will not be difficult, because the access to the screws open and you do not have to disassemble FeiChang to tweak one of the faces.

In short, if you're looking for a good high-quality 2x2 Cube at an affordable price, which is able to please you or your friends, then FeiChang Cyclone Boys 2x2 — it's your choice!

Manufacturer: Cyclone Boys
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Reviews (3)
# 1
Хороший куб но ShengShou Aurora мне нравится больше, но это сугубо моё мнение
# 2
Классный кубик, взял для тренировок с цветного пластика, ну чтоб наклейки часто не переклеивать :))), крутится и режет углы оболденно, мне даже больше нравиться как он крутится чем даян !!!
# 3
Дуже дякую - прекрасний куб, абсолютно невибагливий до змазування і чудово крутиться прямо із коробки)
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