"Crazy" Windmill MoYu

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"Crazy" Windmill MoYu

(also known as "Crazy" Hot Wheel MoYu) — another unique puzzle from the world-famous brand, the authors of which are used to please speedcubers all over the world with excellent puzzles.

MoYu "Crazy" Windmill has got a bit of a different look compared to the original Windmill from YongJun. This cube has a tilted axis of rotation, which allows it to lose its regular shape after turning of any side, thereby making the puzzle more interesting and more difficult. Perfect rotation, corner cutting and speed are achieved due to the similarity of design with the already known Rubik's Cube YJ SuLong.

It seems that the ingenuity of MoYu engineers have no boundaries, because the company has released an interesting new puzzle once again. And though it is not a WCA official event, but it will certainly take its honorable place in the collection of inveterate puzzlers. Solving MoYu "Crazy" Windmill, you will be something to think about, and its wonderful speed characteristics will make you solve it again and again...

Manufacturer: MoYu (Cong's, GuoGuan)
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Reviews (1)
# 1
купив кубик тиждень тому назад.
Сам кубик дуже класний та цікавий. наклейки тримаються. коли збираешь то відчуваешь шо куб зроблений на совість. Заїдать відсутні, пластик приемний. Для мене було здивуваня що він ше й угли ріже.

Мені кубик сподобався цікаво збирати й мінусів нема. ДЯкую Роману за його терпіня :) купляйте не пошкодуете.
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